After reading the Honey Handbook I feel so much more informed as I prepare to put in a garden for the bees.
The Honey Handbook focuses on how to produce great flavoured honeys. And nothing helps the bees do that more than right right kind of plants.
I'll never forget lifting the lid off the extractor after our first extraction. The smell was like tomatoes and sweet chilly peppers. Not what I thought honey should smell like. The taste was different too. I wondered what on earth the bees had gotten into.
The Honey Handbook focuses on how to produce great flavoured honeys. And nothing helps the bees do that more than right right kind of plants.
I'll never forget lifting the lid off the extractor after our first extraction. The smell was like tomatoes and sweet chilly peppers. Not what I thought honey should smell like. The taste was different too. I wondered what on earth the bees had gotten into.
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